Monday, February 1, 2010

Search Engine Optimization Tips

Misconceptions about search engine optimization are common. One of the most common is that once a site is built and submitted to the search engines, heavy traffic is on its way. Another is that when making a submission to each engine, a site will be registered immediately and will stay listed with that engine for as long as it is in operation. That's just not how it works… not even close!

What people need to know is that search engine optimization, which is actually the effective utilization of search engines to draw traffic to a Web site, is an art. It is an ongoing, continuously evolving, high maintenance process that includes the customization of a site for better search engine ranking.

Critical steps to take before submitting

After developing a Web site and selecting the best hosting company, don't rush out and submit it to search engines immediately. A Web site manager would be wise to take a little time to:
Fine tune the TITLE tag to increase traffic to the site
Improving the TITLE tag is one technique that applies to just about all the search engines. The appearance of key words within the page title is one of the biggest factors determining a Web site's score in many engines. It's surprising how many Web sites have simple, unimaginative titles like "Bob's Home Page" that don't utilize keywords at all. In fact, it's not unusual to see entire Web sites that use the same title on every page in the site. Changing page titles to include some of the site's key words can greatly increase the chance that a page will appear with a strong ranking in a query for those key words.
Create gateway pages that are specific to the focus of each site
Key word selection must be done carefully with great forethought and understanding of the search engine's selection criteria for key words. The larger the number of key words that are used, the more the relevance of any one key word is diluted. One way to get around this is to create gateway pages.
Gateway pages are designed specifically for submission to a search engine. They should be tuned with a specific set of key words, boosting the chance that these key words will be given a heavy weight. To do this, several copies of a page should be made, one for each set of key words. These pages will be used as entry points only, to help people find the site, therefore, they don't need to fit within the normal structure of the site. This provides the page developer with greater flexibility in establishing key words and tags that will encourage a stronger ranking with the search engines. Each gateway page then can be submitted separately to the search engines.
Ensuring that site technology won't confuse the search engines
Often the latest technology being built into a site can confuse the search engine spiders. Frames, CGI scripts, image maps and dynamically generated pages are all recently created technology that many spiders don't know how to read. With frames for instance, the syntax of the FRAMESET tag fundamentally changes the structure of an HTML document. This can cause problems for search engines and browsers that don't understand the tag. Some browsers can't find the body of the page and viewing a page through these browsers can create a blank page.
Today only 2% of browsers don't support frames, but many search engine spiders still don't support them. A search engine spider is really just an automated Web browser and like browsers they sometimes lag behind in their support for new HTML tags. This means that many search engines can't spider a site with frames. The spider will index the page, but won't follow the links to the individual frames.
Setting up a NOFRAMES section on the page
Every page that uses frames should include a NOFRAMES section on the page. This tag will not affect the way a page looks but it will help a page get listed with the major search engines. The NOFRAMES tag was invented by Netscape for backward compatibility with browsers that didn't support the FRAME and FRAMESET tags.
Performing a maintenance check
All Web sites should be thoroughly tested using a site maintenance tool in order to catch errors in operation before customers are brought to the site. HTML errors can hinder a search engine spider's ability to index a site, it can also keep a search engine from reading a page or cause it to be viewed in a manner different from how it was intended. In fact, a recent report by Jupiter Communications suggested 46% of users have left a preferred Web site because of a site-related problem. With NetMechanic's HTML Toolbox or another site maintenance tool, all Webmasters, from the novice to the expert can avoid potential visitor disasters due to site errors.
Finding the best submission service
Selecting a search engine submission service requires careful thought and important decisions. Using an auto submission service is a good place to begin. Most search engines like Alta Vista, HotBot and InfoSeek automatically spider a site, index it and hopefully add it to their search database without any human involvement. Some engines, like Yahoo, are done completely with human review and for many reasons are best submitted individually. Chances are good also, that in the first submission a site will be rejected by several of the engines and will need to be individually resubmitted. There are several online resources for auto submissions. The best ones won't submit a site to Yahoo where the customer is better served doing this on his own.
Understanding the waiting periods
A variety of waiting periods must be endured with each search engine before there is even a hope of being listed. Knowing and understanding these waiting periods before beginning the process can eliminate or at least minimize frustration and confusion. Typical waiting periods for some of the more popular engines are six months with Yahoo; one to two months with Lycos and 4-6 weeks with Excite or is that 4-6months? What they say and what happens in reality can be very different.

Ongoing promotion tasks:

To improve site rankings and increase understanding of the listing process, there are many tasks that can be done on a regular or semi-regular basis. Optimizing rankings within the search engines is also to help ensure that a site attracts the right traffic.

Some of the monthly and weekly promotion tasks are:
Crunching and examining log files
Data contained in log files is an excellent resource for identifying which engines are sending the majority of traffic to a site. It can also show which key words or gateway pages are generating the strongest traffic and what are those visitors doing when they enter the site.
Searching the Search Engines
Conduct a search of the search engines to analyze where the highest rankings of the site have materialized and what keywords are generating the best rankings. Different search engines use different rules to rank pages. Individual gateway pages should be created based on the knowledge and interpretation of what each search engine is using to determine top rankings. Several pages can be tested out on one or more engines and the pages that have the most success can be kept, while the unsuccessful pages can be dumped or revised to achieve a higher ranking.

Learning more about how the search engines work
Each search engine uses different rules to determine how well a Web page matches a particular query. As a result, building a single page that gets a good score in all the major engines is just about impossible. Learning how each engine ranks pages is also hard, since the engines often keep this information as a closely guarded secret. However, with a little patience, some experimentation and reverse engineering, the way that many of the search engines work can be discovered.
Resubmitting the site
For engines that reject a site or don't list it high enough, it is strongly recommended that more information is learned about the engine's criteria before resubmitting. This information should then be incorporated into gateway pages or key word revisions in order to have greater success with subsequent submissions. Fine tune the page (or pages) make adjustments to TITLE tags and META tags, then after resubmitting the site, track the results to further learn about the engine's criteria and which adjustments made an impact on the rankings. Don't be afraid to experiment, take some risks and gather data as you proceed.
Checking log files for traffic being directed to erroneous pages on the site
This is good news!! Don't dump these pages or remove them from the search engine as most people will do when they redesign their site. Any page with a high ranking is of value. If a page is bringing traffic to a site, leave that page on the search engine, don't change it but rather redirect the traffic to valid pages in the site.

Getting Noticed

For small to medium-sized Web sites, search engines are the most important source of traffic. Unfortunately, getting noticed in the search engines isn't an easy job. A Web site manager can spend months getting a site listed in an engine, only to find it ranks 50th in their search results. It's hard to give universal tips for improving search engine ranking because each engine has its own set of rules. In general, though, a page will rank well for a particular query if the search terms appear in the TITLE tag, the META tags, and in the body of the page.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips for Beginners

Before I start, let me clear few things. First, I am not making in this article any turbo charged rockets or promises which will boost up the search engine rankings within 3 hours or 48 hours. These are only basic tips which will help your website for better indexing and high ranking.
Secondly, this is the main reason why I am writing this article. When I was about to start learning SEO lessons I ask myself why SEO is important? And then this answer came to my mind from nowhere.
Amjad, the Internet provides an avalanche of information, but think about just for a while that what would the sea of knowledge without a point do for seekers? True, isn’t?
Obviously, that was true. At that time I was beginner in SEO field and this was my first lesson that high search engines ranking is one of the best way to drive huge traffic to a website. If you still thinking what I am talking about or what SEO is or how it can help, you should read this article.
You may think in the beginning that learning SEO is confusing and hard to do or only experts can do. But it’s not as hard as you may think. If you still think it’s hard to do then at least you should learn about basic SEO which I will be explaining below.

How to Achieve a Higher Search Engine Ranking

There are so many ways both legal and illegal even in the field of search engines. The use of illegal methods which aka “Black Hat SEO” should be avoided because someday your website will be penalized or banned by the search engines.
The easiest and pure way to achieve higher search engine ranking aka “White Hat SEO” for the website is clean and validated HTML source code and you should be interested in providing unique & pure text. Keep in mind, the “CONTENT IS KING” for search engine optimization.

How to Use Title and HTML Meta Tags

Always use unique <title> tag with the desired keywords init on every page and content should contain the title tag and desired keywords. Do not use same title tags for each topic page with the desired keywords to make sure the search engine reads it also separately.

Finding the Right Keyword

Proper use of right keywords enhance the chances for higher ranking so set a realistic goal for the keywords for your website. Always pay attention to what could potentially your customers are looking for? For example if you search for “Web design”, currently you will find 368,000,000 results as I checked few minutes ago in Google. You almost have few chances in this pool of competition to get a higher listing. For this reason, in the beginning you should set your goals for the use of right keywords and be realistic, after short time you find yourself in the search result among the first.

JavaScript, Frames, and Flash animation

Search engines do not index Frame pages, Flash pages/animation and JavaScript/Pop-Ups. Sometime Frame pages are periodically analyzed and recorded by bots but If your website is a pure Flash site, you have very few chances to get indexing and high ranking. JavaScript is ignored and kept hidden by the search engines. You should really always think, “Do I need these effects anyway?” Compare with the customer benefits and see if is required or completely unnecessary effects? Also, search engine cannot read the text in graphics. Try to avoid use of images but if at all you have to show the image then use alt="" tag in images.

Get Links to Your Website

As I mentioned “CONTENT IS KING” in the same way the building back links are “QUEEN“. Of course, an optimized and clean site is already half the battle. To boost the ranking you need links related to the desired keyword from other sites. Ask your partners if they are ready for a link exchange with you to make your placement on their sites.

Use os Sitemap for Better Indexing

I read a lot that don’t waste your time to setting up or submitting sitemap to search engines but in my case I will strongly recommend you to create proper sitemap and submit it to top search engines. After all sitemap is the only protocol that directs the search engines to URLs on a website available for crawling. Click here to learn more about Sitemap.

Information Tools for Further Improvements

There are many tools available which help you to improve search engine ranking but I am going to list here my favorite information and SEO tools. I don’t want to have duplicate content by describing about these tools on this page but you can still learn more about these tools by browsing these links.


Always set realistic goals for your website in advance. Keep viewing the huge number of competitors for the optimization. Avoid unnecessary effects; put best efforts and confidence with good implementation.
You have done everything well. Still you find your site much below your expectations. You know why? Because! Everything takes time. You have to be patient and wait for search engine crawling. After all you are going to find a top place among other huge number of competitors.
Best of luck!

Top Ten search engine optimization techniques

There are a lot of techniques that can be used in search engine optimization that can help or hurt you when it comes to SEO. Some of the big ones that can hurt is keyword stuffing and page cloaking. You want to always make sure that you are building a site for your visitors first and foremost. The robots aren’t quite as interested in your content as you think, sorry.
You can easily make your site search engine optimized by follow 10 easy steps that will make sure everything is ready for Google to go through and understand what your pages and site are about. This can help you to get more traffic from search engines by ranking well. Once you rank well, of course, you need to make sure that you are persuading the visitors to actually click on your search listing. The relevant and quality traffic is why we all have web sites and want to rank well in search engines, right?

The 10 Great SEO tips for your site

#1 Content

As cliché as it sounds this is the number one for any search marketing strategy, it is impossibly important to ensure that you have content worth viewing. Without this one simply step to ensure that there is a reason for someone to be on your site, everything else is useless. There are a lot of great sites to find inspiration for writing great content that works.

#2 Incoming Links

A link is a link is a link, but without the simplest form you aren’t going to do well in search engines. The more links you have the more often you are going to be crawled. It is also important to make sure that you have the proper anchor text for your incoming links. The easiest way to gain quality links from other sites is to link to sites to let them know your site is there and hope for a reciprocal link. It is also important to make sure that you have content that is worth linking to on your site.

#3 Web site title

Making sure that you have the right web site titles for your pages is extremely important. The keywords you place in your title are important in order to ensure that your topic is understood by Google. One of the primary factors for ranking is if the title is on-topic with the search results. Not only is it important for robots to index and understand the topic of the page either. It is important for click-through rates in the search results. Pay attention to what you click on when you are searching in Google, I know that I don’t always click the first results. Using great titles and topics on your site will bring you more traffic than a number one listing. Most of the time it is within the first page, but I skim through the titles to see which looks to be more on-topic for my search query.

#4 Heading tags

When you are laying out your site’s content you have to be sure that you are creating the content flow in such a way that the heading tags are based on prominence. The most prominent of course being the h1 tag, which says “this is what this block of copy is about.” Making sure you understand heading tag structure is very important. You only want to have one (or two) h1 tags per a page. It is important to not just throw anything into an h1 tag and hope you rank for it.

#5 Internal Linking

Making sure that your internal linking helps robots (and visitors!) to find the content on your site is huge. Using relevant copy throughout your site will tell the robots (and visitors!) more effectively what to expect on the corresponding page. You do want to make sure that on pages you don’t want to rank in Google that you add a nofollow tag to ensure that the ranking flow of your site corresponds with your site’s topic and interests. No one is going to be searching Google to find out what your terms of service or privacy policy are.

#6 Keyword Density

Ensuring that you have the right keyword density for your page and sites topic is paramount. You don’t want to go overboard and use the keyword every 5th word but making sure it “comes up” often is going to help you rank better in search engines. The unspoken rule is no more then 5% of the total copy per a page. Anymore then this and it can start to look a little spammy. Granted, you aren’t shooting for 5% every time. It is really all about context and relevance— just make sure it is good, quality copy.

#7 Sitemaps

It is always a good idea to give search engines a helping hand to find the content that is on your site. Making sure that you create and maintain a sitemap for all of the pages on your site will help the search robots to find all of the pages in your site and index them. Google, Yahoo, MSN and Ask all support sitemaps and most of them offer a great way to ensure that it is finding your sitemap. Most of the time you can simply name it sitemap.xml and the search robot will find the file effectively.

#8 Meta Tags

Everyone will tell you that meta tags don’t matter, they do. The biggest thing they matter for is click-through though. There will be a lot of times when Google will use your meta description as the copy that gets pulled with your search listing. This can help to attract the visitor to visit your web site if it is related to their search query. Definitely a much overlooked (as of late) ranking factor. Getting indexed by search engines and ranking well is just the first step. The next, and biggest, step is getting that visitor that searched for your keywords to want to click on your search listing.

#9 URL Structure

Ensuring that your URL structure compliments the content that is on the corresponding page is pretty important. There are various methods to make this work, such as modrewrite on apache.

#10 Domain

It can help to have keywords you are interested in ranking for within your domain, but only as much as the title, heading and content matters. One very important factor that is coming to light is that domain age is important. The older the site or domain, the better it is not spam and can do well in search results. The domain age definitely isn’t a make or break factor but it does help quite a bit.

What SEO tips help you the most with your site?

I’m sure there are some debates about the order I placed my list here, but all of these are definitely the best techniques to use. These aren’t in the order that you would do them necessarily but more in the order of importance for optimizing your site for search engines. What order would you put your list for best SEO techniques.