Sunday, January 17, 2010

56 Internet Goals To Get You Inspired for a Great 2009

A couple of weeks ago I asked our readers what were their Internet related goals for 2009. Below you will find what 56 of them replied. Notice that I only published a small excerpt of the goals of each one, and you can click on their names to visit their blogs and read the full post with their goals.
I am sure you will find some nice goals to get you inspired for the new year, and perhaps even find some fellow bloggers to partner with and work together to achieve those goals.
1. N-Speaks:
1. Cross 350 RSS subscriber mark.

2. Write atleast 5 posts a week

3. Write atleast 3 good quality posts a week out of above 5
2. Crane Factory:
Goal 1 – Increase paid blogging income
I got a taste this year for paid blogging and it has so far worked out well. It certainly isn’t “pro blogger” money but it means I don’t need to dip into the household budget to fund things like hosting fees, publishing setup costs, or development costs such as premium themes.
3. JaledWith:
1. Two posts per week (a minimum of 104 next year)

2. Forty total RSS subscribers (current total: 20)

3. Add an original video at least once each month
4. Making Home Made Wine and Beer:
Stop chasing social media – 80% of visitors come from search engines and another 17% come from links and blogrolls.
5. MyLifeCEO:
1. To increase my readership (no limits to this)

2. To increase my ‘Property Product’ sales

3. To somehow upload my son’s “Thomas the Tank Engine” video clip to You Tube
6. JARD:
1. to launch my 1st e-book

2. to get more bookings from my two travel sites

3. to get more advertising/sponsors for my sites.
7. CashSeeker:
1. stop procrastinating

2. write an article at least once week and submit

3. create a new blog once a month( niches)
8. Hardware Revolution:
Reach 1,000,000 pageviews monthly. I know, you’re probably thinking that I’m absolutely out of my mind here. Well, I am aiming high, that is true. I do believe that it is a reachable number, if we work together toward it! We? That’s right. While I will do my best to deliver valuable content, I will need you to help me spread the news and help me by sharing this to your friends, family and contacts that you have on social networks!
9. Ibrahim Cesar:
Acho que é uma média atingível. Minha rotina vai mudar um bocado e vou ter menos tempo ainda para postar mas acredito que possa atingí-lo. Tenho algumas idéias para postagens, série de postagens, etc. O que têm me faltado ultimamente é motivação.
10. TechZoomin:
You must have got what would be my intention by this time! Yes,First we need to set some goals if you want to succeed some where.Ofcourse i know one more quotation “Setting goals is easy,But achieving shows the difficulty” :) Even though nothing we loose by setting and trying to achieve them.So,Here are my goals/dreams for the coming year.
11. LGR:
1. Posting more regularly, hopefully on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. If possible increasing posting frequency to five days a week.

2. Increasing RSS subscribers in the LGR Internet Solutions blog to 500 or more.

3. Diversifying my online income so it is more dependable and less reliant on one or two sources.
12. Slavi:
1. Read 7 good books on algorithms and best software development practices

2. Start learning Java

3. Write 5 articles / week
13. Essential Blog:
作为一个职业博客的追求者,写博客却没有经济收入那是活受罪。但是我对精品博客的盈利相当的失望,虽然我爱水煮鱼曾创造了一个月收入1000美金的历史,但是精博的 Google AdSense 收入还是不足10美元,并且没有其他收入来源。所以,2009年精博将会继续探索博客的盈利之道,争取平均每天 Google AdSense 能有1美元的收入,但是精品博客的 RSS Feed 里面不会投放 Google AdSense 广告。
14. Yield to Pedestrian :
1) I want to complete landing pages for all four of my main websites
2) I want to install on all four sites a four-part graphic widget that links to the landing page, the best posts, the funniest posts, and the most useful posts
3) I want to put up a better background on (suggestions?)
15. MyHou:
16. Devakshor:
1. Increase the frequency of my posts.

2. Start posting at least one original and quality content on my blog every week.

3. Submit articles to EzineArticles, Goarticles, etc and create some Squidoo pages
17. eTechBuzz:
1. Figure out way to be successful in click arbitrage.

2. New designs for few blogs in my blog portfolio. (I manage 3 popular blogs)

3. Post consistency
18. Scribbler:
1. Increase traffic from sources other than Teacher Lingo

2. Get 100 RSS subscribers

3. Blog at least once a week
19. MayUOnline:
1. Daily Unique Hit: 4000

2. Daily Hit: 6000

3. Ad sense Revenue/Day: $10
20. Thursday Bram:
Before the end of January, 2009 I plan to have an ebook to share with all of you. I’ve been working on this particular ebook for a little while, but I need to wrap up some lose ends before I tell you the top secret title. I’m also planning to do a few more series of posts, like the series I did last year on copyright. If you’ve got any ideas for topics, please let me know.
21. Joyful Days:
My goal is that the Joyful Days blog benefits enough people to generate a monthly income of at least $800 a month. Too new to blogging to know how many daily uniques, RSS subscribers etc will give that result. That’s what I have to figure out next year!
22. Rarst :
1. Learn the new tools I found recently (Yahoo Pipes , PostRank , NewsGator , etc) and find some more.

2. Build some bridges of communication to people around, since starting this blog my Internet experience became more social.

3. Learn to drop services, sites and blogs I no longer enjoy sooner instead of sticking with them to the last.
23. Smart Blog Tips:
1. Bring one quality post per day + At least one Important News item from Blogosphere for the visitors

2. Start Video Blogging, bring one weekly Video post for the visitors
24. TechnoTip:
1. Stay focused and consistent.
2. To finish one of my project – Creation of a spirituality based website(will post about it soon).
3. Never to stop thinking of new ways to be online and to make a decent living out of it!
25. Alease Michelle :
1. To increase my readership- those who subscribe to my feed by 50%.
2. To offer more valuable content. Stay to my topics and only write about those topics.
3. To create a separate blog- that I am able to write about other topics of my interest.
26. Hardgainer Transformation;
1. I will post at least 2 posts per week (Tuesday and Thursday)

2. I will maintain better posting consistency

3. I’m going to start Video Blogging!
27. Heat ItFrom:
1) Get at least two friends to start blogging. This means you!!! Even if you keep your blog private (that’s easy to do) or accessible only to your friends and family, it’s just too easy to have a nice site these days. I have a whole different post coming about managing your online reputation. Having your own site is the first step. Grab a domain name for a few bucks a year, and talk to me about hosting. I’m running a friend special right now. ;)
28. Zen Dreams:
1. Make more opensource plugins for Wordpress (and get ideas of course)

2. Publish more on (at least once every two days would be nice)

3. Get more daily visitors (not defined)
29. Island Crisis:
1. Reach over 500 Subscribers – I reached 94 from 8 but lost some during the migration. I guess it was those on the rss readers. It is now at 74.

2. Reach an average of 1000 page views per day by December 2009 – It is currently between 200 to 300 on normal days.

3. Keep a steady average number of 25 posts per month
30. Noo Idea:
提到我自己的 我打算还是继续“装傻充愣”下去,必定这个傻博才出生不到2个月,以前的博客写了不少,从MSN的space后来到改版的Live Space,也写过blogger,甚至还申请过Donews,最后写到了比较简单舒服的blogbus,其实都是为了能有个中看的二级域名。。直到域名,空间跌倒白菜价终于舍得出手,关于Nooidea.com的来源和介绍,大家可以猛击一下两个词语:1.来源 2.介绍
31. Putting Blogs First:
1. Have a Twitter network of at least 2000 followers (follow me on Twitter)

2. Become highly active on at least ten social media sites (currently about 3)

3. Have an RSS subscriber base of atleast 3000 readers, for this blog as well as for a new one(Listfied)
32. Home With The Kids:
1. Reach 500 RSS subscribers to this blog .

2. Build overall income to $5000/month across all sites. I’ve nudged this one many times in the past. I’d like this to be the year I stabilize it.

3. 5 posts per week per blog for my 2-3 best sites.
33. DutchSchoolKid:
1. Reach 500 visits a day on my blog. I am not sure what to expect, but if I can reach this, it will be good!

2. Reach 25 RSS subscribers. Something which is very low at the moment, I will work on this!

3. Get an income from blogging. It doesn’t have to be big, but it would be nice.
34. DailyApps:
1. Reach 7500 RSS subscribers (currently at 1300+) Didn’t manage to achieve that.. Currently at nearly 3000 subscribers

2. Average 30,000 daily page views (currently at 10,000) Around 20,000 at the moment, so didn’t achieve this as well.

3. Generate $2,000 in monthly revenues (currently at $0). Achieved it earlier in the year, but didn’t quite manage to keep it consistent
35. Daniy:
1. An Alexa rank under 200,000 points for this blog (it’s 1,118,243 points currently)

2. At least 200 subscribers for this blog (for the current time it has zero subscriber *wink*)

3. At least $1,000 monthly revenue from all my internet projects
36. Jen Patton:
Build up my blog subscribers to 500 and my newsletter subscribers to 500. Right now my newsletter subscriber list is growing faster than the blog. I have made some changes in my article resource box to drive more traffic directly to the blog. Some of the goals below will assist me in achieving both subscriber goals.
37. Bloggers Guide:
1. Increase Twitter followers to 500 (2008: about 40)

2. Increase page impressions to 200/day (2008: about 200/month)

3. Increase ad revenue to $5/day (2008: $5/year)
38. Bloggy:
1. To write at least 100 posts

2. Cross 50 RSS subscriber mark.

3. Improve posting quality
39. TechEnglish:
1. Ensure regular SKYPE conversation conferences on technical topics.

2. Involve in these conferences students from English speaking countries.

3. Involve students from English speaking countries in written discussion carrying out on the blog
40. Spreading Joy Corporation:
1. Post consistent articles that will encourage, motivate and remind other about the lasting joy of giving.
2. Focus on the quality of the posts.
3. Reach 700-1000 subscribers – This one scares me. Being so new and learning how to “get the word out” is more difficult than I had imagined.
41. Misentropy:
By the end of next year, I’d like to have the luxury of not needing to set any goals for this blog for the coming year(s). I’d like it to soar, with nary a thought to how high above the ground it is or how far below the sky. To be one with the wind, period.
42. Lx7:
1. The return of the Lx7 – Podcast – Once the studio is renovated and relatively dust free I am DEFINITELY bringing the camera in and shooting more how to videos, and get out to do some event based artist interviews.

2. Issue #3 of Assembler Techno Fanzine – all the articles are already here on the blog, but I haven’t done the magazine / PDF design.

3. More Music Releases – I’ve been working in a mini hardware setup that I’ve enjoyed alot, and once I’ve got the space where I can finalize some of the mixdowns, expect to see those finalized songs released beyond the Humanjava Enterprises page on
43. Vanae:
1. To get 1 of my videos featured on YouTube

2. To reach 2,000 RSS subscribers

3. Triple my youTube subscribers to 15,000
44. Normadic Rider:
1. Launch a new blog dedicated to tech tips and trick. I have the domain up and will start posting soon.
2. Reach atleast 200 subscribers for the tech blog.
3. Contribute more guest posts and build up readership on the tech blog.
45. Accurate Auto Advice:
1. Re-design the architecture of the site. It’s difficult to navigate and it doesn’t give people a lot to grab onto.

2. Publish at least 12 videos – that’s only 1 per month, so it really shouldn’t be that hard.

3. Boost daily unique visitors from nil (where it’s at right now despite my best efforts) to 500.
46. Tundra Headquarters:
1. Reach out to more Tundra owners. People really seem to enjoy our ‘Featured Vehicles’ segments, and we’re going to work on boosting the number of trucks we write about.

2. Boost the number of RSS and email subscribers to 500. We’ve worked on posting on a regular basis (every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday) and we’re starting to get pretty darn consistent. The next step is to increase the number of people that read our site regularly, even if it’s just from their inbox or RSS reader.
47. Our New Office:
1. Get more consistent. I’m not blogging often enough, plain and simple. If Sara and I work at it, we can post an entry every day of the week.

2. Expand the focus. Right now, we’re just blogging about our travels…but people always ask us what it’s like to work abroad, work at home, etc.
48. Weblist:
1.Reach 2,000 Twitter followers. (Currently 26)

2.Cross the border of Alexa’s 500,000 in Rank. (Currently 10,110,758)

3.Reach 1,000 RSS Readers. (Currently 0)
49. Exploring Binary:
1. Write 64 articles. My articles are technical and generally require a lot of research, and I want them to be accurate so that they will be a resource to search traffic for years to come. My current rate is about one article every 10 days. I’d like to publish one full-length article per week in 2009, plus some shorter articles that take less work.
50. Geek Entrepreneur:
Page Views: 5,000 a month by November 2009

Unique Visitors: 1,000 a month by November 2009

Twitter Followers: 800 by November 2009
51. Let’s Go Amerks:
1. Market and promote the site. Up until now it’s just been a field of dreams, we built it and people came. Need to go well beyond that in 2009.

2. Network, Network, and more networking!

3. Read the book Sports Media: Reporting, Producing, and Planning
52. Daily SEO Blog:
1 – Increase subscriber base to 10,000

2 – Increase average daily post count to 2, increase unique hits at least by double

3 – Get more involved with other projects
53. Amrick:
1. Launch

2. Launch IWDJ

3. Re-launch BO
54. Sean P. Aune:
Comments -The number of comments is very sporadic, I would love to see some more sustained conversation going on.
Daily Page Views – Again, I am hoping to increase my average over this year, and though I am still seeing slight growth, it won’t be easy. I will again shoot for a 50% increase, and hope to do this through writing more general appeal posts that result in better search engine traffic.
55. Money Amulet:
1. achieve visit his blog in 2000 people per day

2. the number of subscribers to reach 10,000 people

3. Release PDF book with the best of my blog posts
56. Gonchaya:
1. Сформировать команду авторов моего новостного блога.

2. Довести число подписчиков моего блога до 1000 человек

3. Поднять показатели моего блога до PR5

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